Why Is a Bone Saddle Important for My Guitar?

A bone saddle is important for your guitar because it produces better balance, a less jangly, warmer tone, and lasts longer than plastic saddles do. Let’s review each aspect further.
Better String Balance
Have you ever noticed how some guitars emphasize treble notes more than bass notes, or vice versa? Or some guitars have too much or too little mid-range? A bone saddle will help even out the treble, mids, and bass, for a more balanced instrument.
Less Jangly
Does you guitar sound a bit like a tin can with strings attached – metallic and no resonance? A bone saddle will help reduce the jangly tone and produce a richer tone than plastic saddles will. Indeed, this is a key reason that people will shift from plastic to bone.
Warmer Tone
Looking for a warmer tone, then replacing your factory-installed plastic saddle with a bone saddle will help. Own a Martin? Almost for sure you’ll prefer the tone of bone to plastic. Bone will emphasize the warmth that many seek from a Martin guitar. Want to further emphasize that warmth? Try pairing a bone saddle with phosphor bronze strings. Own a Taylor? If you’re looking to warm up a Taylor a touch, then a bone saddle is a good move. However, if you’re looking to emphasize the clean, bright tone that Taylors are known for, then bone might not work as they will warm up the tone, and we advise considering a Tusq saddle instead.
Time-Tested and Longer Lasting
Bone saddles have appeared on acoustic guitars for many years. Additionally, higher-end and boutique guitars will almost always come from the builder with a bone saddle. Why? Bone has proven an excellent option for the reasons listed above – better balance, richer tone, warmer tone. And as a bonus, a bone saddle will last longer than a plastic one will.
Questions on which saddle would work best for you guitar? Please visit our Acoustic Guitar Saddle Size Chart or contact us for more information.